Dan’s Story A Father Celebrates One Year of Sobriety

Regardless of which recovery path you choose, the first 30 days will be a rollercoaster. Your body will first be getting rid of all of the substances inside, and you may feel tired, sick and anxious. In my first 30 days of sobriety, I felt bloated and exhausted, and it was weeks before I began to feel well-rested https://ecosoberhouse.com/ and normal again. After you spend more and more time abstinent from alcohol, sobriety will begin to feel like routine for you. You can expect to learn new habits and new ways of enjoying life without alcohol. “If you’d met me eight years ago, you may not have guessed I was ahigh-functioning alcoholic.

I didn’t really realize what was happening, but I knew I could never say no to anything. I was one of those people who if someone put something in front of me, I would take it. Because of this, after two years of college it didn’t work out, and I came home – and my addiction came back with me. After 9 years of multiple facilities we found JourneyPure.

‘It began to feel as if I were living two lives—only one of which I could remember‘

We had tried many treatment programs over the years, spent a lot sober success stories of money. He was never able to maintain sobriety, until now.

sober success stories

He has a bright future, and so much to offer. My son is taking control and responsibility for the direction of his own life. He is finally able to have meaningful conversations and relationships with all family members. The other day I heard him say, “Dad, I finally get it.” That would never have happened before he went through the program. We had gotten to the point previously that he and his dad hardly ever talked or even looked at each other.

Member Share – Julia

I matched in an anesthesiology residency after completing medical school with strong evaluations from my clerkship rotations. I made a conscious decision upon my graduation to stop smoking marijuana because of the possibility of jeopardizing my medical license if I were to get caught.

Why do I feel better sober?

When you're sober, you have more time and mental energy to spend on the people who matter most to you. Without the distraction of wondering when you can go get drunk or high, you'll be able to stay physically and emotionally present with others.

Still, inspired by her father’s sobriety, she decided to change her life following her alcohol treatment and committed her life to volunteering at an addiction treatment facility. “Through completing the Roots Recovery program my life has changed in such a profound way it cannot be adequately explained in words. The men I went through the house with became like brothers to me.

One Year of Sobriety: My Experience & What You Can Expect When You Quit Drinking

I relied a lot on hour-long hot baths before bed to calm down, but still my sleep was horrendous. In college, I joined Greek life and surrounded myself with a group of people who drank pretty similarly to me . Looking back, I know I subconsciously found people who didn’t make me question my drinking habits. That’s the thing about heavy drinkers – They surround themselves with other heavy drinkers so as to avoid looking in the mirror.

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