Negotiating the historical distance.

Gadamer, H.-G. (1987). the problem of historical Consciousness. in P. The Crusades was a string of battles fought throughout the Middle East to recapture Jerusalem as well as the Church’s involvement in Renaissance arts, led to the Church in debt. Rabinow & W. In order to pay for its expenses the Church began to sell indulgences, pieces of paper that repaid a person for previous sins. M. Some people were unhappy with this practice, notably one German priest called Martin Luther. The Sullivan (Eds. ), Interpretive Social Science: A Second View (pp. 82-140). He initially tried to collaborate with the Catholic Church to end the practice. Berkeley: University of California Press.

But the Church was clear that indulgences weren’t disappearing. Granatstein, J. Similar to the prior protest by The Church Luther placed his complaint to the door to his chapel for the entire congregation to view in 1517. L. (1998). It set off what became called the Protestant Reformation . Who killed Canadian History?

Toronto: HarperCollins. Luther and those that he was like him, had separated and resisted the Catholic Church and became known as Protestants because they opposed against the way that the Catholic Church was running. Grever, M. (1998). Then, the entire north Europe was Protestant, and even as the Catholic Church tried an attempt to convert all people back to Catholicism however, it failed in the majority of cases. Opvattingen en misvattingen over het geschiedenisonderwijs (Views and Errors About History Education).

The decline of Christianity in Europe. In P. den Boer & G. As the clock ticked by the Church began facing questions that were more complex than those put forward to it by Martin Luther. W. Science was beginning to look beyond Christianity for answers within the natural world and the results of research and observation appeared to confirm the idea of the creation occurring over a period of 624 hours.

Muller (Eds. ), Geschiedenis op school. Charles Darwin, himself having previously considered a profession as priest, had issues with some of the Christian teachings when he wrote his famous work On the Origin of Species . Zes voordrachten over het geschiedenisonderwijs. "History at School. The evolution of the world, from geology to astronomy it seemed as if Christianity was no longer the only source of the answers. The Six Papers on History Education ] (pp. 27-48). The political philosophies of the new era also challenged the power of Christianity.

Amsterdam: Publications KNAW. The French Revolution allowed the right to choose your religion for everyone in the same way that the French had witnessed for years conflict in the past between Protestants and Catholics cause France into numerous conflicts. Grever, M. (2009). Later, communism within the Soviet Union would try to eradicate all religious ideas as the absolutism of fascism and nazism which incorporated Christianity was a smear on the faith of a lot of people. Afraid of Plurality.

Lesson Summary. Historical Culture and Historiographical Canonization in Western Europe. Christianity throughout Europe has seen a turbulent past, ranging from denial and finally official approval from the Roman Empire to divisions in East and West and again in Catholic and Protestant and finally a steady decline as a result of shifts in science as well as political thinking. The book is A. To gain access to this lesson, you need to be an Member. Epple & A. Register your account. Schaser (Eds. ), Gendering Historiography: Beyond National Canons (pp.

45-62). Writing Activity to Christianity across Europe: Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag. Imagine that you’re the Catholic Priest in France in the latter half of the 18th century. Grever, M. (2012). You’re worried about advances in science-based understanding of the universe.

The dilemmas that are a part of Common as well as Plural History. You are convinced that they might undermine religious explanations for natural phenomena. A reflection upon History Education and Heritage in the Globalizing world. You are also aware there is a report that states that the French government is contemplating creating religious freedom. In M. Write a letter of 2-3 paragraphs to your bishop, expressing your concern. Carretero, M. Your letter should state your reasoning behind why you think the science-based beliefs and freedom to worship is dangerous not just to the Catholic Church, but also society in general.

Asensio, & M. As an example your thesis could include "Dear Bishop I am concerned that the widespread use of Enlightenment ideas and it’s French government’s plans for instituting religious freedom is going to affect the power and authority of the Catholic Church." Keep in mind that this has occurred just after the Protestant Reformation, and a Catholic priest could be worried about the expansion of Protestant religious organizations in Europe. Rodriguez-Moneo (Eds. ), History Education and the Construction of National Identities (pp. 75-91). The best universities to study philosophy, history, and theology. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. It is described as one of the oldest disciplines in the academic world philosophical thought challenges the notions that govern different subject areas, including the social sciences, disciplines, religion, and the arts. Grever essays, M., De Bruijn, P., & Van Boxtel, C. (2012).

Students have to confront the meaning of being, the significance of goodness and evil, the question of whether knowledge is possible , and the extent to which humans are truly free. Negotiating the historical distance. Teaching will include philosophers from ancient times to modern ones; From Aristotle through Plato and from Descartes and Kant. Or, How to deal in History as a Past as a foreign country for Heritage-based Education.

Students will acquire a thorough understanding of the main philosophical concepts in analytic thought, and will develop their capacity to think clearly, formulate an argument , and speak.

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